First, there was only one worker at the desk as the one or two others that usually work in the office were out picking up people or cars...becaus as we all know...they are the company that picks you up. I waited in line for my turn to give them my confirmation number and for them to in turn give me my 40 miles to the gallon clown car that would be cheapest on gas. However, I quickly found out that 7 cars had not been returned so I was pretty much up a creek. To top things off, an executive from Anheuser-Busch was in front of me and you better believe they were going to give him the next car that came available. But since I had no other choice, had been dropped off by a friend and needed to get on the road, I agreed to take a cargo van.
Now let's discuss the cargo van for a second. At first I thought, "No big deal." During my 4 years in youth ministry I had driven a 15 passenger van probably 200 times, so I was used to the size. But what I quickly found was that with the lack of seats as well as any sort of interior lininng to the van, not only was the thing a beast to drive, but I couldn't even hear to talk on the phone while driving. Luckily, I was able to drive the cargo-beast-van to Mt. Vernon and trade it out for a mini-van. I had never really understood why they were called until monday, and I was a believer.
But besides being made fun of by high school students for driving a man van, the whole thing ended up being a blessing. When I turned it in this morning, the bill ended up being half of what I had expected. For my trouble they had taken the rate down to half of what my reservation was for. I was on a trip to raise money for the new church, so spending less money was a bonus. This is just one example of God's faithfulness. At first it seems like I was just trying to be a good Christian to the frazzled youth lady behind the desk who was trying to pawn off cargo vans on anyone who would take...but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. I'm no prosperity preaching, name-it-claim-it, guy...but it sure does seem like God blessed the efforts to bring him glory on Monday.
My trip to Southern Illinois was a blast. I was able to see family including my beautiful neice, Hallie Kate and my sweet baby nephew, Nolan. I was also able to sit down with several individuals as well as pastors representing churches to talk about parterships for funding August Gate. Everyone was very gracious and I am so grateful for the time that other's devoted to hearing my heart. I was unable to meet with everyone I had wanted to due to scheduling conflicts and busy life.
Last night I was able to speak to over 100 folks at Little Chapel Church in Harrisburg, IL. The crew there is always so gracious in letting me step into the pulpit. Barry Steed, LCC's stuff of a worship/evangelism/youth pastor thought it would be fun to let me play bass as well. It was a great time. I spoke from the book of Jonah and 2 Kings. My goal was to let them know that they were the Gath-Hepher for my Jonah. As God has called me to my Nineveh to preach the Gospel, Southern Illinois and specifically LCC have been my Gath-Hepher...where I am from and where I was taught to love Jesus, listen for His call on my life and then follow it with wreckless abandon once I hear it. The people of LCC were again very generous and I pray that there will be even more lasting partnerships with many that were there, heard the vision, and took some of our promotional information.
I had planned on coming back today, but I missed my wife so incredibly much that I hopped back in the rental-man-van and headed home late last night. Plus!...I heard that this week our baby has developed ears and can hear us when we sing and speak to him/her. I couldn't wait to get home and talk to my baby!
I am so thankful for all the people that took time out to sit down with me. I'm thankful for those who gave to August Gate...some of whom hadn't even heard the vision straight from my mouth yet. If you are reading this and would like to know more and play a part in helping to fund this church plant during its first year, please contact me at . To Christ be the glory!