Thursday, May 14, 2009

Being Content

Last night as we were laying in bed Noah asked me what my biggest struggle of the day was. I didn't really even have to think about it I just said contentment. When I came home from work yesterday I was so exhausted that I had to take a nap, however, I couldn't fall asleep because: there are other people in the house, the neighbors are loud, Cubbie whines to be up on the bed and then down off the bed...yatta yatta yatta. I finally got up still tired but ready to make my Amish Friendship Bread, its day 10 and it was ready to be made. To my wonderful surprise we had ants ALL OVER MY KITCHEN! I hate ants. Inside I got so frustrated and just thought I am done here I am ready to move. It has been building for a while now, being pregnant, mixed with all of those emotions and challanges on top of sharing your home and every possesion you have with 2 other guys (besides my husband) that live in your house, coupled with the fact that we have no closet space in our room so it is inevitably a mess has begun to wear on me in every way. So when Noah asked me what my biggest struggle was it was like the Lord didn't even let me think, he screamed in my head it is finding contentment where I am at. We aren't planning to move to the new condo until July 11th, though we can move as early as June 1, but even still I have 2+ weeks to be where I am at. How do I become content? Is it a choice or does something need to change? So Lord I pray that you would teach me contentment in the next few weeks as you have been over this past year. I pray that I find my peace, restoration, comfort and identity in you. Thank you for continuing to challange me.

1 comment:

Mama Bean said...

Amen, sister! Contentment is something I have trouble with often... but it is definitely hard to be content with ants all of your kitchen... as I am struggling with right now! Argh. But we can pray and rest in the Lord... and be patient... when you get to the new house, you can nest to your hearts content! :)

Nesting always helps me to calm down...