Thursday, May 21, 2009

My favorite things from this week

In no real particular order...

1. Feeling Allie move inside me more and more
2. Hearing my husband preach (one of my favorite things in the world)
3. Talking to my mom after she had been out of the country for a week. I didn't realize how much I enjoy talking to her everyday.
4. Hearing Noah pray for our family and over our baby girl before we go to bed
5. Dreaming about what Allie's nursery will look like
6. Starting to pack up for the big move
7. Sitting outside on the beautiful days we have had this week and taking in Gods creation.
8. Looking through the baby section in every store I go in
9. Hearing the miracle that God did for our friends
10. Drinking strawberry limeades from Sonic

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