Friday, July 25, 2008

Moving Along...

Two days ago, on Wednesday evening, we set out on our journey back to the Midwest. Heather and I went back and forth for weeks about whether or not we should get a Uhaul. Finally we came to the decision to see if we could fit everything into our vehicle and strap suitcases to the roof. Our decision yielded less than desirable consequences.

About an hour down the road, as we drove along unaware, we heard a couple thumps coming from above our heads and as Heather looked in the rear view mirror she watched as two of our suitcases actually took flight from the top of our Highlander. We stopped as abruptly as possible and pulled to the side of the Florida Turnpike. I then sprinted as fast as I could, about 200 yards behind us to where our bags laid in the road. One landed to the right of all lanes and was therefore pretty safe, however the other was on the white striped line between lanes. Sweating like a champ, everything seemed to go into that movie-like slow motion experience as it seemed a certain semi driver decided to swerve and hit our suitcase. I watched in horror as the bag actually exploded amidst three lanes of 70 mph traffic. Shoes and clothes were everywhere! Luckily we only lost a few pair of shoes and were able to avert a more serious ordeal.

Heather's mom, Joan, was kind enough to meet us on the side of the road and help us salvage what we could. That night, we went back to the house, unpacked and repacked the car and waited until the morning to get a Uhaul and begin the trip over again.

Although we had a slight set back, the rest of our trip went smooth. We traveled 13 hours yesterday from Davie, Florida to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Our room at the Holiday Inn Express was comfy and provided for a few much needed hours of sleep.

We woke up this morning and got on the road by 7 am. We were glad that we were on the time zone line (it was 8 eastern time). Stopping only once, and battling the periodic tsunami-esque rain showers we made it to Eldorado and my grandparents' in 5 short hours. We spent the rest of the day packing up our stuff that was scattered between my grandparents' and dad's houses and being fed by a grandma that loves to cook for her grandkids.

Although we experienced a little trouble getting started, the trip ended up being quite enjoyable. We were able to make a quick stop in Gainesville to take pictures of the Swamp (Go Gators!). The seemingly endless hours of driving also provided much needed alone time for Heather and I to talk through our plans and ask each other questions.

We are both completely exhausted! But we are so thankful for what God is up to in our lives and so anxious for the days ahead...

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