Monday, July 13, 2009

29 week update and a crazy weekend

This past weekend we have been going going going... I feel like we haven't stopped to breathe. Friday I had a doctors appointment in the morning. I am 29 weeks so this means I now have to start going every 2 weeks. Allie's heartbeat was strong, he said everything looked good with her. However, I am low on iron and platelets, something he didn't seem to concerned about but said we would monitor over the next couple visits. I now get to take an extra iron pill every day...yippie! I have also started experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. This may be partly due to the fact that Noah and I are so busy but my doctor confirmed that yes that is what they are and as long as I am not having 4+ an hour I am ok... :) After that we went shopping for food for us as well as the cook out we were hosting for our launch team on Sunday.

Saturday we went to Belleville for Ryan Neal and Emily Goldman's wedding. I had never been to a Catholic wedding before and it was quite the experience. The Cathederal was beautiful. We stayed for the reception so we didn't get home till later than we originally planned. Congratulations Ryan and Emily... We are so glad we got to be a part of your special day!!

The next morning came early as we had to leave the house by 9 to drive to Litchfield for a 10am service at FBC Litchfield. This was Josh's last sunday there and they were doing a commissioning service for them and for August Gate. They are planning to be on of our supporting churches. After that we all stayed as they had lunch provided for us and then went to Josh's Ordination service at 3pm. As you can probably guess I was totally exhausted at this point. Noah gave the charge at the ordination service and did an amazing job as always :) However, this time I noticed something different. From the time Noah started speaking till the time he was done Allie did not stop moving. I am not exaggerating. These were not small movements it was like she was doing somersaults are something. So apparently Allie Belle likes to hear her daddy preach... she better... she is going to hear a lot of it in her life time.

After the service we made the hour drive home and everyone came over to our house to grill out and have a big celebration meal. We had a blast with the group just being together, sharing stories, experiences, and laughs. Everyone left by 9pm and Noah and I crashed.

The weekend wore me out, but that is why I am thankful for Mondays where I can just rest. Thank you Jesus!

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