It is our desire that this be a place where you can come to see what God is doing in our lives on a daily basis. In August of 06 God began to open our eyes to the great need for the Gospel in our nation. As we sought the Lord and His will for our lives it became clear that He was calling us to join and play a major part in a movement that seeks to plant young, missional, Gospel-centered Churches that will seek the transformation of a city and eventually a culture. At this moment, it is a vision. It is a dream in our hearts and, we fully believe, a dream in the heart of God.
On Wednesday March 17th at 7:26 after a LONG day our good friends Matt and Celeste welcomed their baby boy Cannan Daniel into the world! He was 8 lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches long! We have been so excited for Cannan to get here and can't believe he is finally here. Congrats Matt and Celeste! He is beautiful. Allie meeting "her friend" we have been talking about since she was born. She really wasn't sure what to think of him.
Check out Noah's teaching from August Gate's weekly services
Prayer Requests
Vision: Noah has taken the past several weeks to preach through vision for August Gate. Pray that our team gets it and that it will truly be what we are marked by as a church.
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