Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 Months- January 3rd

This month Allie is really starting to develop her personality. I can see her strong will starting to form. She wants to be independent, she always wants to stand up and is less satisfied by laying in my arms. I keep telling her she is still my baby and she can't grow up yet but I can see her changing more and more every day. She makes me laugh all the time and I love carrying on conversations with her. When she is in the right mood she would talk forever!

Teething is now in full force! Everything she has goes in her mouth. Her favorite things to chew on are Noah or my fingers, her hand, Gracie's (her baby doll) pigtails, bibs, burp cloths, teething rings and anything else she can get her hands on and get in her mouth!

Allie LOVES her aunt Brooke. She thinks she is hilarious. Brooke loves Allie unless she poops or spits up. Allie still has an affinity for spitting up on Aunt Brooke.... it is quite comical.

Chillin with Aunt Brooke and the soon to be Uncle Will. She is trying to talk them into having a honeymoon baby so she can have more cousins!

What up world! I am 3 months old can you believe it? My mommy can't!

She is such a happy baby and loves life!

1 comment:

~lady j said...

in the last two pics, allie totally looks like a cabbage patch kid :) SO cute!