Friday, December 24, 2010

Pre Christmas Festivities in Florida

We arrived in FL on Tuesday December 21st.  We started out our pre-Christmas festivities by baking some Christmas cookies.  As you can see (if you saw the other post) Allie's Cookie decorating skills have drastically improved.

 It was actually several minutes before she even attempted to taste it.  However, once she did....

 forget decorating cookies... just give me that icing...

 Trying the cookie she made with the icing...
 and sharing some with Nana...
 then she went to hang out with the boys while we finished and cleaned up.
 Lovin on her Papa... she has become his little buddy after being here several days.
 Goofing off with Uncle Brandon.  I have never seen her be some into someone that wasn't mom or dad like she was with Uncle B.  He gave her lots of attention and she loved it.  She was very sad when he left!

 Later that night we went to look at Christmas lights (which is slim pickings in South Florida)
 Even though we all laughed at how bare everything was Allie still had a great time and loved seeing the lights.  We went to this one house that had a computer lights show where the lights danced to different music.  There were 5 different songs and we stayed to watch all 5.  It was an experience, Allie loved the music and well it makes for a funny memory for the rest of us.  It was impossible to get a pic of the house without a flash.. so this picture doesn't do the house justice but it is all I could get.

 taking it all in with Nana
 dancing to the music

 hanging with the boys while they pick the next song
 Daddy took her to see baby Jesus

 Our little family
It was a great pre Christmas festivity.

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