Wednesday, April 22, 2009

17 Weeks Along and a little theologian?

Well I am passed the 17 week mark and things are still going well. My nausea is almost totally gone which is Awesome and the headaches are down to about every other day. My back pain has subsided a little bit but does flare up and let me know when I have been on my feet to long.
This week Noah is in Chicago for the Gospel Coalition. As I sat at home last night I wondered if they would be streaming the conference live and sure enough I found it. I decided to watch. Mark Driscoll was speaking (always a bonus) and it made me feel like I was with Noah. After watching for about 20 minutes or so I started to feel something in my stomach. I have had little twinges several times before and always wondered if it was the baby but this time it felt very different. It felt as though something was fluttering in my stomach. It is so hard to describe because it doesn't feel like anything else I have ever experienced before. I knew it was the baby and what cracked me up is that I knew Noah would be thrilled to know I felt the baby move for the first time but to add that it was while I was watching Driscoll preach would thrill him. He was so proud! So who knows...we may have a little theologian on our hands... at least we know peanut (as emily calls the baby) is a fan of Driscoll. :)

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