Sunday, November 1, 2009

4 weeks old

I can't even believe how fast the weeks are flying by; in just a few short days my little girl will be a month old. That just blows my mind! However, yesterday she was 4 weeks old and even though I spent the majority of the morning in the ER with gall bladder issues I managed to snap a few pics from this past week and yesterday.
Milestones from this week.... She is 9lbs! Also she has started sleeping in her crib. Now before all of you get up in arms thinking she is too little to be out of our room I want you to know that I go in there an hour or 2 after she goes to sleep and stay there for the rest of the night. This allows Noah and I to have some time together after she goes to bed and we all get a better night sleep. This has been going amazingly well and she has started giving me a good 5 hour stretch each night! YAY!!!
She is also getting good at holding her head up. She loves to lay on my chest after she eats and try to hold her head up. She has gotten where she will hold it up for 10-15 seconds before she gets tired and lays her head on my shoulder. After a minute or two she will try again. Eventually she gets tired and goes to sleep. I secretly love when she sleeps on my shoulder. She is a great little cuddler.

This girl LOVES to have her hands up when she sleeps. When you put her hands down to swaddle her she looks at you with those big sad eyes, her lip starts to quiver and you would think you just took away her favorite toy or something. It is too funny. Though we have to swaddle her at night to keep her from waking herself up and to get good sleep she does manage to sneak in some naps during the day where her hands are up above her head.

Just relaxing after she ate. Right before I snapped the picture her other arm was up behind her head like she was totally chillaxin.
Allie getting some daddy sugar before we go out. On Wednesday of this last week was the first day it was not raining so we all suited up and went for a walk in Lafayette Park.

It doesn't take long before she is out, the stroller works magic. I think this pic was taken in the elevator on the way down. As you can tell she really enjoyed the walk.

Daddy and Allie taking a nap on Saturday before the Gator game starts. I love catching these precious moments.
Allie Grace as the pumpkin... this was her Halloween costume thanks to Aunt Janet :)
My little pumpkin being an activist to be missional in everything we do... with a little help from daddy!

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