Monday, May 17, 2010


Well my baby is turning into a big girl right before my eyes. On a regular basis I ask myself where did my baby go? She isn't supposed to do that yet. Well Allie is not a cuddler, I guess this is my pay back because I was not a cuddly baby either. My mom says I refused to lay my head on her shoulder and always wanted to look around. Well my daughter is JUST like me! She is SO independent, she wants to do everything herself! She loves being the center of attention and has more personality than I have probably ever seen one human being poses...I think she gets that part from her daddy ;) So between the two of us we have created quite a little girl, she is absolutely hilarious and well we love her a lot!

Now that she has a couple teeth we have started brushing her teeth at night (when I remember) and well Mrs. Independent wants to do it herself.. she thinks it is so fun to brush her teeth. I hope she always feels that way.
This sleeping position makes both Noah and me crazy!!! We are constantly turning her over or at least trying to turn her head to the side and I come back 10 minutes later and she is back like this! AHHHHH!

Yesterday I went to get her up from her nap to see her standing in her bed.. yes that is right she pulled up on the side and was standing up. Guess it is time to move the mattress down.

She was very proud of herself though.

This toy was supposed to be Allie's 1st Birthday Present. I found it on sale for $5 at walmart a while back and thought I would save it... well as I got to thinking about it I wasn't sure she would still use this 5 months from now and quite frankly she loves it now so we gave it to her early.

She can only go backwards when riding it like a car she hasn't figure out how to make herself go forward so she just goes backwards till she runs into something.

She likes to stand behind it and hold on with only one hand. This makes it really hard to walk behind but she insists on holding on with one hand and normally waving to me with the other. Then she tries to walk around it to get to play with the toys in front.. Unfortunately with the wheels it isn't very sturdy to walk around so this normally doesn't end well...

Sometimes she does cooperate and pushes it forward and walks behind it. She pushes it till it runs into something and then takes steps to catch up, but she is getting it and soon she will be cruising around the whole house...hopefully not too soon.

Allie is 1 pound away from being out of her "baby" car seat and she is hanging out of both ends so this weekend we went shopping for a big girl car seat. Isn't this supposed to happen when she is 1? Why is this all going so fast she is only 7 months!!!
Checkin it out making sure its a good seat
It even has a passy holder... sweet!
Trying to get in it by herself
She loves her big girl seat and she is telling me that she is SO BIG..
And in this video she will show the rest of you...

1 comment:

Kpete said...

she is so precious!