Friday, August 7, 2009

32 Week Update

On Monday of this past week I had my 32 week appointment which included an ultrasound. They said that all of Allie's organs look good and she is head down... so lets pray she stays that way. They also said that she is 3lbs. 10 oz. after speaking with the doctor he said this is on the smaller side for a baby at 32 weeks. Apparently it is in the lower 25%. Dr. Pignotti did not seem too worried about this but has decided to start weekly non stress tests to make sure she is getting enough oxygen and growing properly. Needless to say this makes me slightly nervous. I know that God is totally in control and deep down I know that she is going to be ok, but I am fighting that slight anxiety that is sitting in my stomach everytime I think about it. So be praying that Allie gains her 1/2 lb per week for the remaining 8 weeks and we will have a healthy 7lb 10oz baby. Also pray that I keep my sanity. I am so ready to see her and hold her where I know she is healthy.

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